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Upcoming NFHS Changes

In all, six rule’s changes were recommended by the NFHS Volleyball Rules Committee at its annual meeting January 12-14. All rules changes were reviewed and approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.


Rule 9-4-8c was added to the section on multiple contacts, adding second contact to the list of permitted instances, joining a team’s first contact and after a player touches the ball on a block. In addition to eliminating an official’s judgment call, the change allows for play to continue and does not create an advantage for the offending team.


Rule 3-2-1 NOTE and the use of a textured ball. Beginning in 2026-27, state associations will be permitted to adopt the use of a textured ball – commonly utilized in boys volleyball – for boys or girls matches. This state association adoption would also remove restrictions on color and shape of panels for a textured ball. Rule 3-2-1 panel color, number and shape requirements for a smooth ball remain.


Rule 4-2-4 was amended to note that, beginning in 2029, uniform numbers must simply be centered on the upper half of the uniform. This removes the requirement for the number to be 5 inches from the top and bottom of the garment and the need for officials to measure the distance.


Rule 4-2-1, which now allows players to wear solid black, white or gray undergarments under the uniform top or bottom if the predominant color of the team uniform cannot be matched. However, all team members, other than the libero, must still wear the same color undergarment.


Officials will no longer be required to carry a lineup card as part of their uniform/equipment thanks to edits to Rule 5-3-2b and 5-5-3b(9). The lineup card could still be used by newer officials as a training tool, while veteran officials may use the coaches’ submitted lineup sheets to check the starting lineup.


Rule 10-4, the penalty for an illegal libero replacement will be determined before or after the contact for serve. If identified before contact, an unnecessary delay is administered. If identified after service contact, an illegal alignment results in a loss of rally/point.

CAAVO Membership Meeting Dec 14 10am - Ypsi Lincoln HS

The association's Executive Committee set this Saturday, Dec 14 at 10am at Lincoln High School in Ypsilanti for an association membership meeting.   Topics will include 2025 high school assigning details, announcements of 2025 clinics, and election of several association leadership positions.   Current members have been invited via Arbiter, so be sure to log on to accept attending this event. 

2025 CAAVO Dues To Not Increase

The CAAVO Executive Committee has met, and determined the association's member dues will remain at the same rate as in previous years.   A link is under construction on this website to once again allow renewing and new members to pay their 2025 dues on line.

NCAA/PAVO - Referee - Line Judge and Scoring Exams

Referee Form C Exam - Intended for entry-level referees, this exam can be used as a part of the certification process for new referees and/or re-certification for Apprentice referees. Form C is taken online and can be accessed HERE.


Line Judge/Scoring Exams - All current PAVO members have access to the 2024 exams online.


CLICK HERE to access the 2024 Line Judge Exam*


CLICK HERE to access the 2024 Scoring Exam


*PAVO National line judges and National referees must complete the online exam by September 1.


NCAA/PAVO A/B Exam Information

NCAA/PAVO Form A/B Exam Additional Information


Form A/B Exam - Local, State, and National referees, as well as any referee seeking eligibility for NCAA postseason, are required to take the Form A exam. Form A must be taken online, and the only access is via the "NCAA Volleyball - Women's tab" on the NCAA Central Hub, which requires NCAA Central Hub registration (after logging in on RQ+, click NCAA - Women's Volleyball and click the "NCAA Form A/B Exams" link under News & Announcements).


NOTE: Part of the process leading up to taking the exam is that you are required to sign in to your PAVO account. After you submit your contact information, the test will be logged as begun. Do not hit the back button on your browser; doing so will put you at risk of being locked out.


The online exam will be available on the NCAA Central Hub website until October 15 each year; however, the NCAA has established a September 1 exam deadline for all referees who wish to be considered for postseason assignment (all NCAA Divisions). To be included in the post-season selection pool, a score of at least 90% on Form A or Form B must be attained. 


Also, by September 1, all PAVO National referees must complete the Form A (or B) exam and attain a score of at least 90%, as one of their annual maintenance requirements. For PAVO non-National referees, the exam deadline is October 15.


Need Whistles? We have them! Go to CAAVO Member Store on the left!

The August NASO Referee Magazine is now available:

Record Setting Nebraska Crew

Training\Get the Rust Off Opportunity Thursday 7-11-24 @ Owosso High

Let us know if you wish to attend.  Times are 5pm to 7pm.  These are Varsity Summer Scrimmages with Multiple Teams.  Trainers will be on site to help "Newer" Officials.  Veterans may want to call a few matches to get the rust off.

On Court Pre Match Preparation Suggestions